Intelligent Stress Management

enables organizations and individuals alike to achieve a state of heart-brain coherence. Learn the most effective tools for work-life balance but also, move forward in life with confidence!

  • Corporate Professionals

    If you’re struggling with balance and finding your place professionally in a corporate environment where fear, insecurity and stress seem to have taken over, this training is for you.

  • Entrepreneurs

    Learn to live with the joy and ease that comes from work-life balance. Become empowered to lead from the front and effect positive change in your own life and the lives of others.

  • Wellness Professionals

    Connect to the power and intelligence of your heart and awaken to the best version of yourself. Learn practical tools for expanding the energetics of communication. Lock in ease and stress resistance to move forward with confidence.

In Just Four Weeks...

Rise and hit the reset button!

  • Increase the impact of your visionary business while letting go of stress and improving your overall health and well-being

  • Bring the heart and brain into coherence for greater clarity and stronger intuitive decision making

  • Find lasting relief from common symptoms of stress such as poor sleep, fatigue, low energy, lack of focus, emotional imbalance and mental drain

Sundays: March 20-April 10

LIVE on Zoom direct to your home or office

  • New York

    11.00 AM – 1.00 PM

  • New Delhi

    08.30 PM – 10-30 PM

  • London

    04:00 PM – 06-00 PM

Meet Your Conscious Coach

HeartMath Certified Trainer and Coach

Pari Patri

Pari Patri, Founder of PSSM Global is an award-winning Executive Spiritual Coach. She was recognized as one of the ‘Top 20 Global Women of Excellence’ by U.S Congressman ‘Danny K. Davis’ for the Annual International Women’s Day in 2019.

Mother of 2 and the founder of PSSM Global, Pari is an award-winning Women's Empowerment Coach, Certified Meditation Teacher and Certified Resilience & Stress Management trainer. Formerly a corporate professional, she followed her heart and started her own business. Today she is a successful Mompreneur with a huge clientele.

Learn more at

What You Will Learn

In addition to the 19 modules outlined in the course curriculum, you'll learn the following:

  • Core Scientific Principals

    Understand the latest scientific research on stress, resilience, performance, emotional regulation, heart-brain communication, and the role of coherence in optimal health

  • Upgrade Your Intuition

    Become more in-tune with your inner knowing to make better decisions in life, both personally and professionally. Hit the RESET button to completely tune in to your heart.

  • Practical Daily Tools

    Learn four HeartMath techniques that can be put into practice in your daily life, both personally and professionally. Understand all the key features and functions of the HeartMath Inner Balance App and Sensor and become proficient in using it for your health, well-being, cognitive focus, and emotional balance.

Save Up to $200!

This powerful, 4-week course is normally offered at $399, but if you register today, it's yours for just $199, a savings of $200!