An Introduction Level Course for Teachers & Healers

October 8, 15, 22, 29, 2021 (Every Friday)

  • 11 AM - 1PM


  • 4 PM - 6PM


  • 8.30 PM - 10.30 PM


PSSGA presents a brand new introductory course to the Nine Dimensions with our PSSM Global Partner Christina Schwind

This course is for advanced spiritual teachers, wayshowers, lightworkers and energy healers looking to move past plateaus.

○ Are you frustrated with disinformation in the lightworker community?

○ Do you feel confused and seek greater clarity?

○ Do you know there is more out there but can’t quite put your finger on what?

○ Do you feel you've hit a plateau in your spiritual development?

○ Do you seek a clear path to your personal spiritual empowerment and sovereignty?

Then you're in the right place.

Christina Schwind is a Multidimensional Acceleration Expert with a unique approach to advancing the gifts of spiritual healers, advanced meditators and energy workers. She will help you clear away energetic blocks and activate your inner portals to tune into your multidimensional self.

It's time to gain greater clarity and insight..

● Open the door to DNA work

● Explore the layers of reality and the human experience

● Walk through the 9 dimensions and understand their influence

● Disrupt old patterns and belief systems

Teachers: learn from an expert to up-level your skills, access multidimensional information and manifest the highest version of your calling

Are You Ready?

Create a quantum shift in your psychic abilities, empower the people you work with and become unstoppable

Understand the 9 Dimensions with Christina Schwind

With this Introduction Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Week 1

    • Session 1

    • Handout Printout link for week 1 & 2

  • 2

    Week 2

    • Session 2

  • 3

    Week 3

    • Session 3

  • 4

    Week 4

    • Session 4

Meet Your Guide

Acceleration Expert Christina Schwind

Acceleration Expert

Christina Schwind

Christina is a new paradigm visionary and acceleration expert. She has a unique approach to advancing the spiritual gifts of healers, starseeds, and new paradigm wayshowers by unwinding intuitive blind spots and assisting them in reclaiming the power of their dreamtime.

In the 1990’s, Christina began her work on two fronts one with indigenous record keeper Barbara Hand Clow, mastering a multidimensional activation process, which led her down a rabbit hole of experiences with extraterrestrial and interdimensional beings.

The second was with a collective of ancient wisdom keepers from the Andes of South America, Masters of Dreamtime and living life force energy. These masters were among the first to teach her about the veils of death, gifting her the transmissions for what they called the ‘new human’, the bringers of the new paradigm.

Today she is the founder and director of the Lightbody Academy, a global online academy that is dedicated to empowering our awakening world. Lightbody’s main purpose is to help our human family cultivate healthy autonomous exo-species relationships so humanity can step into their role as sovereign creator beings of this planet again.
TY: @LightbodyAcademy
IG: @MultiDimensionalAccelerator
TW: @LightbodyEnergy
FB: @LightbodyTherapeutics

Payment Options

This extraordinary 4 week Free workshop is open for Registrations