MAY 23, 2021

  • 08.30 PM - 10:30PM NewDelhi

  • 04:00 PM - 06:00 PM Lodon

  • 11:00 AM - 01:00 PM NewYork

Introducing Orgone Pyramids Masterclass

Understand the science behind Orgone Energy. Discover the power of Sacred Energy combined with Orgone.

  • Learn to work with Orgone Energy efficiently + effectively!

  • Get confident working with Orgone Pyramids by understanding the science.

  • Tap into the inherent mystical power Pyramids.

  • Connect to the PSSM community through conscious activities and magical sharings.

  • Receive conscious homework and apply what you’ve learned in your daily life.

What Will You Learn?

Would you like to take a step forward today, to understand the Prana, Source Energy through the Orgone Pyramids... You will get to learn all about Orgone Energy and how it works within an Orgone Pyramid. Along with it, you will also learn its practical application and how it profoundly impacts your family, your healing work and you! Here is your chance to unleash your inner potential and change your core programming through Orgone Pyramids with Spiritual Executive & Empowerment Coach, Pari Patri.

Secure Your Spot Now for the LIVE EVENT


  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds

About Your Instructor

Pari Patri

Pari Patri, Founder of Pyramid Spiritual Societies Global and daughter of Brahmarshi Patriji, is an award-winning Executive Spiritual Coach. She was recognized as one of the ‘Top 20 Global Women of Excellence’ by U.S Congressman ‘Danny K. Davis’ for the Annual International Women’s Day in 2019. Formerly a corporate professional who dared and quit her 9 to 5 job to achieve her dream --- ‘Empower every single woman to make them self-sufficient, become financially independent and extremely confident’. She is a keen researcher and after intense research on various aspects of Pyramids, she has created a holistic and very profound course on 'Pyramid Mastery'. She is also a Certified Energy Worker, Crystal Expert and Therapist! Pari is a strong-headed woman who has her heart set on enabling our society. She has left no stone unturned to achieve the same. Associated with numerous international organizations, it is her strong intention to spread awareness about and fiercely introduce Patriji and Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement across the continents through PSSM Global
Pari Patri - Spiritual Executive Coach

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the course

    • Welcome and Introduction

  • 2

    Understanding Orgone Energy

    • What is Orgone Energy

    • History

  • 3

    Orgone Technology

    • Discovery Of Orgone Energy

    • Orgone Accumulator

    • Orgone Devices

    • Crystals

    • Pyramids

  • 4

    Environment and EMF

    • Electrosmog

    • Benefits of Orgone Pyramids

  • 5

    Applications in Everyday life

    • Integrating Orgone Energy in Everyday Life

  • 6


    • Orgone Pyramids Resources

Secure Your Seat for the LIVE event

We are offering this course on a donation basis. You have the option to select the amount that best suits you. We have faith that you are abundant in your mindset and you will honestly utilise this offer. Rest assured, whatever you pay… you will get the same course material. Also, your donation will be put into the welfare of the Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement. Let’s create an aware society of Conscious Creators and Pyramid Masters together!

What Students Say

5 star rating


Aditi Jain

Beautiful explanation..thanks pari

Beautiful explanation..thanks pari

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